Playwright is a newer ambitious Node library that wants to solve some problems regarding cross-browser testing. I’m just going to post a short blurb here because I was stuck for a few hours with very little info available on how to get started with testing something made with create-react-app.
I had a completely wrong idea at first, which was to use
Playwright to test the normal npm start
instance (where
the normal create-react-app setup launches a development
server and browser). Basically, I wasted a bunch of time
trying to figure out how to test against that, only to
figure out that the react-scripts weren’t too flexible in
that regard, at all. The development server was best suited
for a development workflow, not extensive browser testing.
The solution was rather simple and should have been obvious earlier: you should be testing against the production version, not a development server. In a few steps I set up an Express webserver that hosted the result folder from npm run build, and then I tested against that. You can view an example here: It’s easy enough to set up a CI script to build the project and run the tests. The example above uses GitHub Actions for that. Playwright testing and Express server code is located in src/MyGame/EndToEnd.test.js.